Ten Students Awarded Gilman Scholarships to Study or Intern Abroad This Summer

Gilman Scholars Summer 2019

MACON – An unprecedented 10 Mercer University students are among the 395 American undergraduate students from 152 colleges and universities across the U.S. selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship to study or intern abroad during the summer of 2019.

This total is a record number of the University for a single application cycle and matches its total number of Gilman Scholarship recipients for the previous academic year. The recipients include:

  • Isis Barnes, a sophomore biology major who will participate in an internship in Kenya
  • Lauren Caggiano, a senior international relations major who will participate in a Mercer On Mission trip to Guyana
  • Pearlie Do, a junior psychology major who will participate in a Mercer On Mission trip to Vietnam
  • Zara Gabriel, a junior psychology major who will study abroad in Spain
  • Adayah Glymph, a sophomore pre-nursing major who will participate in an internship in South Africa
  • Madilyn Harrell, a junior journalism major who will study abroad in Morocco
  • Pamela Johnson, a sophomore pre-nursing major who will participate in an internship in South Africa
  • Nishi Patel, a junior public health major who will participate in an internship in South Africa
  • Jaleighya Townsend, a sophomore pre-nursing major who will participate in an internship in South Africa
  • Johna Wright, a junior psychology major who will study abroad in Sweden

Additionally, an 11th student – freshman biology major Damangeliz Martinez Lugo – was selected to study abroad in Bangkok, Thailand, during the upcoming spring semester.

“The Gilman Scholarship presents a phenomenal opportunity for students with financial need to have a transformative study abroad experience,” said Dr. David A. Davis, director of fellowships and scholarships and associate professor of English. “I am excited for these students, and I am grateful to Dr. Ashley Buchanan in the Office of International Programs for her work with these students.”

The Congressionally funded Gilman Program broadens the U.S. student population studying and interning abroad by providing scholarships to outstanding undergraduate Pell Grant recipients.

Since the program’s establishment in 2001, more than 1,300 U.S. institutions have sent more than 28,000 Gilman scholars to 145 countries around the globe.

“The Gilman Program aims to make study abroad, and its career advantages, more accessible and inclusive for American students. These diverse American students gain critical skills overseas that expand their career options and ability to make an impact in their home communities,” said Heidi Manley, chief of USA Study Abroad at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

The program particularly focuses on supporting first-generation college students, students in the STEM fields, ethnic and racial minority students, students with disabilities, students who are veterans, students attending community colleges and minority-serving institutions, and other populations underrepresented in study abroad, as well as broadening the destinations where scholars study or intern.

The Gilman Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and is supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). For more information, visit gilmanscholarship.org.