Mercer Students Compete at Southeastern Small College Programming Contest


Two Mercer University programming teams placed third and fourth at the Southeastern Small College Programming Contest in Nashville, Tenn. The two teams correctly coded computer programming solutions to four problems, including one problem that required the team to write a software program for electrical routing. Mercer was the only school to have two teams finish in the top 10.

The third-place team, called the Kodiaks, consisted of Justin Parker of Auburn, Ala., Michael Buttersworth of Thunderbolt, Leonard Holman of Tucker, and Joseph Locker of Baton Rouge, La.

Parker, a junior majoring in computer engineering, is the son of Michael and Patricia Furr of Auburn, Ala. Buttersworth, a senior majoring in computer science, is the son of Joseph and Linda Buttersworth of Thunderbolt. Holman, a senior majoring in computer science, is the son of Leonard and Cecilia Holman of Tucker. Locker, a senior double majoring in computer science and electrical engineering, is the son of Frances Locker of Baton Rouge.

The fourth-place team, called the Sleuths, consisted of Buddy Morrison of Williamson, Kelly Cannon of Cochran, Jeremy Carter of Baxley and Frank Rizzi of Macon.

Morrison, a junior double majoring in computer science and political science, is the son of John and Patti Morrison of Williamson. Cannon, a senior majoring in computer science, political science and Spanish, is the daughter of Ranny and Rene Cannon of Cochran. Carter, a senior majoring in computer science, is the son of Jerry and Gail Carter of Baxley. Rizzi, a seniormajoring in computer science, is the son of Leonardo Rizzi of Macon.

Founded in 1833, Mercer is a 7,400-student, comprehensive, Baptist-affiliated university offering undergraduate and graduate degrees through the College of Liberal Arts, the Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics, the Tift College of Education, the School of Engineering, the Walter F. George School of Law, the School of Medicine, the Georgia Baptist College of Nursing, the Southern School of Pharmacy and the James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology.

Mercer University has campuses in Macon and Atlanta and at four extended education centers located in Douglas County, Covington, Griffin and Eastman. The University also operates the Mercer Engineering Research Center in Warner Robins and the Mercer University Press in Macon. For the past 12 years, Mercer has been ranked among the leading universities in the South by U.S. News & World Report.