Adams to Present Self Preaching Lectures


            ATLANTA – Nationally renowned preacher and teacher the Rev. Joanna M. Adams, pastor of Morningside Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, will present the William L. Self Preaching Lectures, Feb. 21-23, at the McAfee School of Theology of Mercer University. The lectures will be held on Mercer’s Cecil B. Day Campus, 3001 Mercer University Drive, Atlanta. Conference registration is $65.

Adams will speak on “The Terror and Gladness of the Task,” “Regaining Your Preaching Nerve,” “The Bible and the Newspaper” and “Sermons for Special Occasions.” In addition to Adams’ lectures, workshops will be held with McAfee faculty members Karen G. Massey on “Thinking Theologically About Worship” and Larry L. McSwain  on “Reclaiming Vitality in Congregational Worship.”

To register or to receive the full schedule of programs and activities, call the McAfee School of Theology at (678) 547-6470 or (888) 471-9922.

A minister for 25 years, Adams has served as a pastor or associate pastor at Trinity Presbyterian Church and Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, North Decatur Presbyterian Church in Decatur, and Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago. Her writings and sermons have appeared in numerous publications, including Journal for Preachers, Best Sermons 2, Christian Century and The Abingdon Women’s Preaching Annual. She has also served as a trustee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Foundation and a member of the Steering Committee of Joining Hearts and Hands Mission Initiative.

She earned her B.A. degree from Emory University and her master’s degree in divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Ga.

The William L. Self Lectureship at the James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology was established to promote the practice of faithful and effective preaching of the gospel. The series is named in honor of William L. Self, who has a national reputation as a gifted preacher, pastor, author, lecturer, motivational speaker and innovator in church growth.

Self achieved considerable acclaim by leading Atlanta’s Wieuca Road Baptist Church to a place of prominence in Georgia and the nation. As pastor of Johns Creek Baptist Church in Alpharetta, he has provided leadership that has brought the church to the vanguard of fast-growing churches.

The James and Carolyn McAfee School of Theology was founded at Mercer in 1996. Mercer University is one of the largest Baptist-affiliated institutions in the world and is the only university of its size in the nation to offer programs in liberal arts, business, education, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and theology.