Faculty and Staff Notables


Dr. Karyn A. Allee-Herndon, assistant professor of elementary education, will present “School Readiness and Academic Achievement in Kindergarten: Executive Function, Cognitive Development and Academic Performance in Play-Based and in Business as Usual Classrooms” as a concurrent research session at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. She will also co-present “Analyzing PST’s Ability to Develop an Equity Mindset in an Elementary Language Arts Methods Course” as a concurrent session at the National Association for Multicultural Education 29th Annual Conference in Tucson, Arizona.

Dr. William Lacefield, professor of mathematics education, and Laura Markert, Ph.D. student, presented “Creative Writing in the Mathematics Learning Environment” Oct. 16 at the annual conference of the Georgia Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators at Rock Eagle Conference Center in Eatonton. Also at the conference, Dr. Lacefield, Dr. Susie Morrissey, assistant professor of education, Dr. Tonya Clarke, mathematics coordinator for Clayton County Public Schools, and Markert presented “Love of Numbers: Using Enjoyment to Strengthen Confidence and Number Sense.”

Dr. Katherine Perrotta, assistant professor of middle grades and secondary education, presented her research, “Getting HIP: A study on the implementation of online discussion boards as a high impact practice in undergraduate history courses,” Oct. 4 in Birmingham, Alabama, at the annual meeting of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum.

Mallory Aycock, clinical assistant professor of physician assistant studies, received the Dermatology Physician Assistant Foundation Physician Assistant Research Grant in the amount of $25,000 for “Evaluating the Use of Supplemental Training Technologies in Dermatology Education.” She was also awarded best presentation for her short paper lecture presentation, “Adaptive Online Learning Technology in Physician Assistant Electrocardiogram Training,” at the International Academy of Physician Associate Educators in Winterthur, Switzerland, in October.

Dr. Daniel Dale, clinical assistant professor of physical therapy, co-presented “Engaging, Inspiring and Developing Physical Therapist Students into Leaders: Perceptions of Current Efforts” at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Education Leadership Conference Oct. 17-20 in Bellevue, Washington.

Dr. Joseph Donnelly, clinical professor of physical therapy, presented the 19th Annual Patricia Leahy Memorial Lecture Sept. 26 at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Dr. Alyssa Fiss, associate professor of physical therapy, co-authored “Physical, occupational and speech therapy for children with cerebral palsy,” published ahead of print in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. She also co-presented “Factors Influencing Success on the NPTE” at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Education Leadership Conference Oct. 17-20 in Bellevue, Washington.

Dr. LeAnne Martinelli, clinical associate professor of physician assistant studies, served as a panelist and guest speaker Oct. 16 at the Drug Interaction Information Conference sponsored by the U.S Food and Drug Administration and the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy in Washington, D.C.

Dr. David Taylor, clinical associate professor of physical therapy, participated in the Oxford-style debate titled “Should Telemedicine Be a Core Competency in PT/PTA Education?” at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Education Leadership Conference Oct. 17-20 in Bellevue, Washington.

Dr. Leslie Taylor, professor of physical therapy, Dr. Jeannette Anderson, clinical associate professor of physical therapy, and Jonathon French, associate director of the English Language Institute, presented “Developing Student Physical Therapists’ Linguistic and Cultural Competence for the Care of Patients with Limited English-Proficiency” at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Education Leadership Conference Oct. 17-20 in Bellevue, Washington.

Dr. Jonathan Addleton, adjunct professor of international and global studies, was quoted in Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jim Galloway’s article on American diplomats published Oct. 25.

Dr. Jamie Cockfield, professor emeritus of history, received the Award for Excellence in Documenting Georgia’s History from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council for his book, titled A Giant from Georgia: The Life of U.S. Senator Walter F. George, 1878-1957.

Dr. Garland Crawford, associate professor of chemistry and director of University Honors, and Dr. Kathryn Kloepper, associate professor of chemistry and director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, co-edited Communication in Chemistry with Dr. John Meyers and Dr. Richard Singiser of Clayton State University. They also authored the review chapter “Communicating Chemistry: An Introduction.” Communication in Chemistry was released online Sept. 23 and will be printed by the American Chemical Society/Oxford University Press in 2020.

Dr. David A. Davis, associate professor of English, presented the paper “The Richest Land, The Poorest People: Great Depression Sharecropper Novels” at the Modernist Studies Association conference Oct. 18-20 in Toronto, Canada.

Dr. John Marson Dunaway, professor emeritus of French and interdisciplinary studies, spoke to the Christian Faculty Forum Oct. 2 at the University of Georgia on “The Calling of a Christian Professor.”

Dr. Sarah E. Gardner, Distinguished University Professor of History, delivered an invited talk on “The Readers’ War” Oct. 10 at the University of St. Andrews. She also presented “A Sweet Thing is War to Those Who Have Not Tried It” at the British American 19th Century History Conference Oct. 11 at the University of Edinburgh.

Dr. Keegan Greenier, professor of psychology, presented “The Roles of Envy, Disliking, and Deservingness in Predicting Schadenfreude” at the Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists Conference Oct. 26 in Johnson City, Tennessee.

Dr. Linda Hensel, professor of biology, and Dr. David Goode, associate professor of chemistry, accompanied undergraduate researchers Luke Jones, Gabriella Longway and Vy “Ava” Nguyen to present their work, titled “Novel lead compounds demonstrating anti-biofilm properties in B. subtilis, S. aureus, and S. mutans,” at the Southeastern Medical Scientist Symposium Oct. 10-12, where they received third place among undergraduate poster presentations.

Dr. Kathryn Kloepper, associate professor of chemistry and director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, presented “Assessment Abroad: Measuring Student Learning and Engagement” at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Global Citizenship for Campus, Community and Careers Conference Oct. 17 in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Craig McMahan, University minister and dean of Chapel, and Hannah Vann Nabi, associate director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, were co-authors on this work.

Dr. Paul Lewis, professor of religion, published a review of J. de Wall Dryden’s A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture in the Vol. 73, No. 4 issue of Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology.

Dr. James Davis May, writer-in-residence, was named a finalist for the Rattle Poetry Prize, a national poetry award that received more than 3,000 entries and 14,000 poems. His poem will be published in the winter issue of Rattle, along with the other finalists.

Dr. Erin McClenathan, assistant professor of art history, presented an overview of her research as part of a roundtable discussion on surrealist periodicals at the Conference of the International Society for the Study of Surrealism Aug. 29-31 at Exeter University.

Dr. Clara Mengolini, assistant professor of Spanish, published her first children’s book, titled What You Can Make with Freedom, co-authored with Dr. Antonio Saravia, associate professor of economics and director of the Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty. The book is designed to teach the foundations of economics and will be used to organize workshops with elementary school teachers in Middle Georgia.

Dr. Ayman Akil, assistant professor, authored “Delineating the Effects of Hot-Melt Extrusion on the Performance of a Polymeric Film using Artificial Neural Networks and an Evolutionary Algorithm” in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 571 (2019), 118715.

Dr. Candace Barnett, executive associate dean and professor, was appointed to the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Council of Dean’s Task Force on Graduate Education.

Dr. Martin D’Souza, professor, received funding in the amount of $20,560 from Takeda Vaccines for the project, titled “Determination of Stability for Spray Dried Zika Virus Particle Vaccine Formulations.”

Dr. Nader H. Moniri, professor, authored “Reintroduction of Quazepam: An Update on Comparative Hypnotic and Adverse Effects” in International Clinical Psychopharmacology 34(6), 275-285.

Dr. Kevin Murnane, assistant professor, was recognized for his research at the Georgia Bio Summit meeting Oct. 8, where his student, Ph.D. candidate Aboagyewaah Oppong-Damoah, received an Anthony Shuker Scientific Poster Award for the presentation, titled “Evaluating the Potential of Non-psychoactive Serotonin 2A Receptor Agonists for Alcohol-use Disorder.”

Dr. Jennifer Nguyen, assistant professor, authored “Health literacy among Individuals with Disabilities: A HINTS Analysis,” published Oct. 23 in The Permanente Journal.

Dr. Jared Champion, assistant professor of writing and interdisciplinary studies, authored Cliffs and Challenges: A Young Woman Explores Yosemite, 1915-1917, published by the University of Kansas Press.

Dr. W. David Lane, professor of counseling, presented “Social and Emotional Development” for the Boy Scouts of America Youth Protections Seminar, titled “Protecting Atlanta’s Youth, Preventing, Responding to and Overcoming Abuse.” He also co-authored “Counseling Veterans” with Dr. Keith J. Myers, a 2015 graduate of the Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision program. The manuscript was accepted and is scheduled for publication in April 2020 by Cognella Academic Publishing in Santa Barbara, California.

Dr. Richard Martin, professor of public safety, conducted peer reviews of the following articles: “Security and safety: Comparative analysis of usage in 2004-2019” for the Journal of Behavioral Sciences; “China’s Legal Reform on the Administrative Punishments and Administrative Coercive Measures Beyond the Scope of Laws” for the Journal of Forensic Science and Addiction Research; “Non-Carcinogenic Health Risk Assessment Due to Fluoride Exposure From Tea Consumption in Iran Using Monte Carlo Simulations” for the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health; and “The Effects of Differential Police Patrols on Citizen’s Fear of Crime” for Law Enforcement Executive Forum.

Dr. Hollis Phelps, assistant professor of interdisciplinary studies, published his fourth book, Jesus and the Politics of Mammon, by Cascade Press.

Dr. David Purnell, adjunct instructor of communication studies, will present “Escaping the Southern Twang: Speaking Proper in Academe” at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry in Malta.

Dr. Awatef A. Ben Ramadan, assistant professor of mathematics, science and informatics,  attended and participated in the Summer Writing Institute Workshop to improve student writing across the College of Professional Advancement. The workshop was held by the Department of Liberal Studies July 12-13 at Mercer’s Henry County Regional Academic Center. She also attended and participated in the Grant Training Center’s Professional Grant Development Workshop Sept. 12-13 at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Dr. Ben Ramadan successfully completed 16 hours at the workshop and received a certificate of completion. She led the writing and submission processes of an R21-research grant to the National Institute of Health, titled “Addressing Health Disparities among First-Generation Somali Immigrants through Cultural- and Linguistic-Oriented Technology Intervention,” for which she serves as the project director and primary investigator.

Dr. Karen D. Rowland, associate professor of counseling, and Jordan Beasley, a school counselor in DeKalb County and student in the Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision program, presented the paper “Using Data to Inform Your School Counseling Comprehensive Program” at the American School Counselor Association Annual Conference July 2 in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Rowland, Shama Panjwani, a professional counselor in Atlanta and student in the Ph.D program, and L. Nicole Ayers, a professional counselor in Atlanta and student in the Ph.D. program, published “Impact of Dual Relationships in Counseling Supervision” in the Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Newsletter this summer.

Jody Blanke, Ernest L. Baskin Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Law, was an invited speaker at Smart Regions: Building a Human-Centered Knowledge Commons hosted by the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech. The conference was held in collaboration with the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University, Villanova University and Georgia Tech. Blanke chaired a session, titled “Smart Regions and Cities Building Blocks.”

Dr. Andrés Marroquín, associate professor, authored “Are Business Owners True Believers in Capitalism? Evidence from Latin America,” accepted for publication in Research in Economic Anthropology, forthcoming in 2020. Working under the guidance of Dr. Marroquin, student Elizabeth Yavnel will present her paper, “Do More Capitalist Individuals Want to Migrate? Evidence of Immigration and Ideology from Latinobarometro Survey in 18 Countries,” at the Economic Freedom Institute Conference in at Manhattanville College and the SURF Conference at Wofford College. 

Dr. Gina Miller, professor of marketing, and Dr. Faye Sisk, professor of management, presented “Online Teaching Effectiveness: Closing the Gap” at the Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference Sept. 18-20 in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The paper was accepted for publication in the conference proceedings.

Dr. Antonio Saravia, associate professor and director of the Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty, was interviewed by CNN Sept. 19 regarding the economics of emission standards in California and Oct. 16 on the economic effects of a wealth tax. He was also the keynote speaker Oct. 8 at the Macon Council of Foundations annual meeting. Dr. Saravia also held a well-attended debate on the Macon campus, titled “Is Social Justice Just?,” with Dr. Vasile Stanescu, assistant professor of communication studies and theatre arts. The debate took place Oct. 23 and was organized by the Center for the Study of Economics and Liberty. Dr. Saravia also published his first children’s book designed to teach economics, titled “What you can make with freedom,” co-authored with Dr. Clara Mengolini, assistant professor of Spanish. The book will be used to organize workshops with elementary school teachers in Middle Georgia.

Dr. Arash Afshar, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, Dr. Dorina Marta Mihut, associate professor of mechanical engineering, and student Pengyu Chen published a paper, titled “Effects of Environmental Exposures on Carbon Fiber Epoxy Composites Protected by Metallic Thin Films,” in the Journal of Composite Materials.

Dr. Donald Ekong, associate professor of computer engineering, was awarded a National Science Foundation-funded travel grant by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) to attend the ORAU Fraud Informatics Symposium Oct. 24 at Fayetteville State University in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Fraud informatics emphasizes the importance of information and data processing and the involved information systems toward the detection and prevention of online frauds.

Cathy Cox, dean, moderated “Leading Successful Strategic Partnerships” at the Health South Connect Conference Sept. 27 at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. She also gave a speech, titled “Georgia’s ‘Proud’ Tradition of Election Fraud,” at the Mercer Law Review Symposium Dinner Sept. 27 in Macon.

Sarah Gerwig-Moore, professor of law and associate dean for academic affairs, was named a McDonald Distinguished Fellow in Law and Religion at Emory University. She was also appointed by the Supreme Court of Georgia to the Georgia Resource Center Board of Directors.

David Hricik, professor of law, was one of eight fellows elected by the Board of the American Intellectual Property Law Association and was selected by its president to serve a three-year term on its newly created committee on the profession. He also spoke at the September meeting of the Pauline Newman IP Inn of Court in Washington, D.C.

Linda Jellum, Ellison Capers Palmer Sr. Professor of Tax Law and associate dean for faculty research and development,  authored Mastering Statutory Interpretation (Carolina Academic Press, 2008), which was quoted by Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Matheson on Oct. 1. She also presented “Ejusdem Generis? Statutory Interpretation for Lawyers” at the California Lawyers Association Annual Meeting Oct. 10 in Monterey, California. The panel was selected to be part of the Ten Minute Mentor Program, an online collection of video presentations on foundational topics from leading lawyers in their area of expertise for young lawyers.

Jeremy Kidd, associate professor, presented “Know When to Fold ’Em: The Ballad of Billy Walters”  Sept. 7 at the Insider Trading Stories during the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference. Additionally, he gave a presentation, titled “Agency, Pluricorporality and Respondent Superior Liability,” for the Philosophical Reflections on Respondent Superior Liability at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference. Kidd also became an academic affiliate of the International Center for Law and Economics.

Patrick Logan, W.A. Bootle Chair in Ethics and Professionalism, was interviewed for the Hidden Legal Figures podcast on the role of Judge William Augustus Bootle in the desegregation of the University of Georgia.

Dr. David Ritchie, professor of law and philosophy and director of international initiatives,   organized a weeklong workshop for the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The workshop, titled “Community, Identity, and Human Rights,” was held at Universidade Estacio de Sa. During the workshop, Dr. Ritchie spoke about “The Roots of Brazil.”  He also gave the annual Global Ethics Day lecture. His talk, titled “A Partnership of Peoples,” was sponsored by the Estacio Ph.D. program in law.

Karen J. Sneddon, professor of law, published “Brain Breaks for the Legal Writing Classroom,” a technique on how to revive a tired student learner in any legal writing classroom, in 32 The Second Draft: Bulletin of the Legal Writing Institute 46. She also taught the workshops “Teaching Methodologies for the Law School Classroom” and “Effective Legal Writing” for ELTE Law on Oct. 8 at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary.

Dr. James Drummond, assistant professor of microbiology, co-authored “A Simple Vitamin D Checklist to Assess Adequacy of Vitamin D Intake” to be published in Topics in Clinical Nutrition.

Dr. Alice House, professor of family medicine, senior associate dean of the Columbus campus and senior associate dean for admissions and student affairs, was announced as the recipient of the 2019 Family Physician of the Year Award from the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians.

Nancy White, director of program operations for South Georgia Health Start, was appointed to the Division of Family and Children’s Services State Advisory Board by Gov. Brian Kemp. She will represent Region Six.

Dr. Douglas Hill, professor and director of instrumental ensembles and undergraduate studies, was invited to adjudicate high school marching bands at the Southeast Bulloch Band Blast Marching Band Festival Sept. 28 near Statesboro. Sixteen bands performed in the festival. On Oct. 27, he conducted selections with the Ocmulgee Brass Ensemble on the Warner Robins Concert Association subscription concert series. The concert was presented at the Warner Robins First United Methodist Church.

Dr. Martha Malone, professor of voice and director of Mercer University Opera, received a Macon Arts Alliance 2019 Cultural Award presented on Oct. 3 by Arts Alliance Executive Director Julie Wilkerson in a ceremony at Mill Hill Community Arts Center. The annual awards recognize individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the arts and culture in Central Georgia.

Robert McDuffie, founder of the Robert McDuffie Center for Strings and Distinguished University Professor of Music, received the Zelma and Otis Redding Spirit of Community Award from the Macon Arts Alliance on Oct. 3 in a ceremony at Mill Hill Community Arts Center.

Dr. Jack Mitchener, professor of organ, University organist and director of the Townsend-McAfee Institute of Church Music, played recitals in October in Knoxville, Tennessee, at Church Street United Methodist Church and Louisville, Kentucky, at Christ Lutheran Church. The Knoxville performance was sponsored by the American Guild of Organists, and the Louisville concert was in celebration of the 230th anniversary of the church.

Tony Kemp, senior director of academic services, presented a session for students during the Midwest Area Regional Conference for Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society Oct. 5 at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Kemp is a member of the national organization’s executive committee and discussed the Phi Eta Sigma Founders Fund Scholarship process.

Hannah Vann Nabi, associate director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, presented “From Anecdote to Evidence: Designing Assignments to Capture the Scope of Student Learning” at the IUPUI Assessment Institute Oct. 14 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Dr. Kathryn Kloepper, associate professor of chemistry and director of the Quality Enhancement Plan, was co-author on this work.

William Brogdon, research services librarian, instructor and Atlanta Swilley research services coordinator, presented “Using Netflix to Connect with Students” at the Georgia Library Conference Oct. 10 in Macon.