Mercer Informatics Day Held in Atlanta


ATLANTA – Penfield College's Informatics Club and User Experience (UX) Club collaborated to host Mercer Informatics Day on Feb. 23 on the Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus in Atlanta. 

A slideshow of student work was displayed, and faculty and students representing both clubs were available from 2-7 p.m. to educate visitors on the importance of informatics, which is the science of information and computer information systems.

Additionally, the clubs offered free website design and user experience evaluation services, and Mercer students, faculty and staff were able to provide their personal computers for free diagnostic testing and repair.

The semiannual event also offered students the chance to join the Informatics Club and the UX Club. Membership to both is open to all students with interest in informatics, computer science, IT, data science and user experience.

For more information on Penfield College's informatics program, visit